Friday, July 25, 2008

Brooklyn Contessa - Prima Bloggerina

In the summer when Brooklyn boils this Contessa takes to the LIE for some liquid refreshment ... in Southampton. The ocean is spectacular completely unaided; however, when accompanying an afternoon at the beach with a lush libation one is due for a fantastically enjoyable affair!

This Prima Bloggerina could never tire of the elegant and classic Bellini. The experience is habitually luxurious, the preparation minimal and the process simple. That being the foundation for sheer bliss and the credo of the Brooklyn Contessa. Quite inspired by the mélange of fresh white peach puree and Italian Prosecco from my beloved Venice, I conceived the Brooklyn Contessa version and entitled it Redentore.


5.0 cl or 1 part plum puree

10.0 cl or 2 parts Prosecco

The Brooklyn Contessa always serves her Redentore chilled and in a champagne flute, even al fresco!

The plum puree is quite simple. Start by purchasing ripe plums, the fruit should be firm and quite fragrant, remove the skin and stone, place the plums in either a food processor or blender and pulse until smooth, then refrigerate.

Brooklyn Contessa goes to the market: "When I have a mean case of the reds I head off to the Westside Market for some comfort, soul food for those who embrace their quality conscious inner snob without obliterating our budget.

The Brooklyn Contessa would never encourage overindulging; after all, the objective is to have a delightful, and of course, memorable afternoon.
